Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Future Housing?!?

Well, we have all been praying for quite some time, and now here we are – on the threshold of seeing a major prayer request answered!! We made an offer on this house on July 25, and now we are in the process of seeing how the whole thing turns out!!!

Please pray that (1) the offer is accepted, (2) the loan goes through, and (3) that the money comes in for the down payment! This is a huge prayer request for us, as we have not spent the last ten years of missions work amassing a great fortune! If God would lead you to be a part of answering these prayers, donations can be made at http://www.impactministries.tv/ and click on the Donate button. Checks can be mailed to: Impact Ministries Int. PO Box 195, Odessa FL 33556. Make checks payable to Impact Ministries Int. and put “Gardner” on the memo line.

We have believed all along that this ministry is a Team effort, and God getting us into this house definitely shows that it is not about us and our efforts. Even as we pray about this, we do not want it to be a prayer of desperation, but rather a prayer of confidence in our God. Thank you so much for praying about all of this.


Blogger Tim said...

Sounds great!

6:04 PM  

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