Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Laura S. has been blessed by your prayers. She shares how God has been working…

God's healing touch has been incredible, and very surprising to me. I really didn't expect it. I will speak to each of my requests, one by one, and how God has responded through the prayers of the team.

1) Request: I need Him to work in my heart to desire Him and His glory.
God's Answers: He has brought into my life a new friend who has been through a very deep valley and now is hungry for intimacy with God (as opposed to remaining bitter and disillusioned). This friend is showing me once again what it is like to really desire God, even when overwhelming pain would seem to imply He God doesn't care.

I have also been experiencing new breakthroughs with a counselor I have been working with since Glenn's death. This counselor is tapping into the roots of some of my struggles and exposing the distorted understandings of God that lie at the base of these struggles.

God has also been directly, with His own hand, administering to my heart a new understanding of His glory, and I am finding myself drawn to it in a way I never have been before. This is something that is harder to put into words because it is more of an understanding in my spirit, not an experience that my mind has been able to define and classify. But bottom line, He is answering this prayer!

2) Request: I need to find a peace about the things that have happened over these last 2 and 1/2 years and to trust Him and His Word again.

God's Answers: This very thing has been happening, and I never believed it would, to tell the truth. I am still deeply sorrowful over what has happened, but the intense confusion, darkness, regret, and bitterness are slipping away in light of new understandings. For almost a year, my mind kept retracing the events of the last few months of Glenn's life with more and more anguish and guilt. More recently, though, my mind began tracing new patterns over those same events as God has been revealing to me more truth about them--and with truth has come peace. The underlying theme is "everything is okay!" He has found several ways over this last month to make sure I am getting that! I can only explain this change in my thinking patterns--which were stubbornly locked into dark places--as the direct answer to this prayer!

God has also been teaching me the peace that lies in not trying to "figure Him out" based on our terms of logic--not trying to penetrate His mystery--but in embracing that mystery in worship and appreciation of who He is.

God is also showing me verses in the Bible that have touched me profoundly about trusting Him and responding by walking in the light. Three of them are these:

"It is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works" (Psalm 73:28). This verse was revealed to the friend I referenced earlier during quiet time to share with me.

"The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth" (Psalm 145:18). Wade, if this one sounds familiar to you, it is because it is the one you were meditating on and thought you should send to me. The same idea of drawing close to God is repeated in this verse.

"Come . . . let us walk in the light of the Lord. . . . The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned" (Isaiah 2:5, 9:2).

3) Request: I need Him to lead me to a place of community where I can find healing, acceptance, and the heart/strength to serve again.
God's Answers: Suddenly, I am surrounded by support from those who love the Lord and put their trust in Him! It came out of nowhere, it seemed--would you believe right around the time I submitted this prayer request?

One of the things that has had a profound impact on me is your invitation, Wade, to continue to be on the prayer ministry team despite my weakness and my doubt and my disillusionment about prayer and God. You didn't judge me harshly--and I have been receiving the lion's share of harsh judgment these days! Instead, you invited me to share what happened, and that was an incredible relief. You shared how the Lord was healing you. Then you gently insisted that I pray over the ministry, even in just a small way. I hung up and did so--and I experienced the sweetest release! I find that I can pray again! I just needed someone to believe in me--and for me.

Please make sure the rest of the team can see this! Their prayers have worked so much healing into my life! I have turned a corner at last. But I know there is a lot more healing that needs to happen. I am by no means out of the valley, and I really desire continuing prayer so that I can continue to move forward!

Many, many thanks to you all and to God!

Laura S.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Laura, It was so good to read your notes on Wade's blog. Your healing will be a blessing to so many, because you are being blessed by your Father who loves you more than we can imagine.

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Laura, It was so good to read your notes on Wade's blog. Your healing will be a blessing to so many, because you are being blessed by your Father who loves you more than we can imagine.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Laura, I am happy to hear how God is working in your life. After I lost Gene I too experienced the doubts, guilt and regrets that you have been through, but I knew God would get me through it and He did. Almost two years after Gene's death I met another wonderful man, fell in love and plan to marry soon. He loves the Lord and he loves me and we both feel God led us to each other. Just continue to be open to His will and He will reveal it to you, and you will KNOW it is His will for you. God bless you in your walk.

9:03 PM  

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