Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Amy's prayer answered

Remember Amy, who we were praying about from the July 2005 Divine Appointments? She had a cold, and I told her I would be praying for her.

Well, tonight I saw her again at Safeway. I asked her how her cold turned out. She couldn’t figure out who I was until I told her that I was the one who was praying for her. Then she remembered. She said it was the strangest thing – she did lose her voice, but never really got the cold!! Hhhmm, imagine that! So of course I asked, “Well! What else can I pray for??” Her response was that she was going to be moving this next weekend, and would like prayers for that.

Please send up a prayer, that the move would go smoothly on August 6-7, and more importantly that God would reveal himself to Amy.


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