Thoughts from Lew
A Parent’s Perspective on Kairos
This month I had the privilege to go on the Kairos Mexico Mission Trip (Dec. 31 – Jan. 5) as an adult volunteer. My purpose for the trip varied. First, I have a passion for missions. As a former missionary to Central America, I thrive on any opportunity to reach out to others through a cross-cultural setting. Second, the long distance trip from Colorado to Mexico in a van required multiple drivers, of which I was one. Third, having someone on the trip that spoke Spanish fluently was a plus just in case we came across anyone who happened to not speak English. There’s something about sharing the gospel in Spanish that really motivates me. I was glad to be of service in all the above areas.
However, there was another reason this trip was important to me. You see, I’m a parent. No, not just any parent. I’m a parent of a college age student. My daughter, Cassidy, is actively involved in the ministry of Kairos, of which I am very grateful. As parents of three children, my wife and I are very interested in how our children are connected with college and youth groups that provide encouragement, accountability in their Christian walk, lots of unconditional love, and a fun environment. Kairos encompasses all of that and more! Spending a week in a van and in a dorm room, sweating, eating, laughing, and having fun together gave me some great insights into the ministry of Kairos.
Wade, Dara, and the student leadership of Kairos provide a non-threatening, open environment for college students who desire to connect with a group of students who are on an adventure of a lifetime as they journey in their walk of faith. Kairos is for all college students, no matter where they are on their journey of faith. It’s even for those who haven’t begun this journey of faith and are asking the questions about who God is and what this relationship with Him is all about.
The Mexico trip provided opportunities to ask and try to answer some of the tough questions in life that college students struggle with. We also had plenty of opportunities to work together, gaining strength from God and building on each other’s gifts and abilities. I was impressed with the cooperation and consideration of the group and amazed that no one complained throughout the trip. Believe me, as a former youth minister of 20 years, I’ve heard my share of complaints over the years. Again, I think the spirit of the group is a testament to the attitude conveyed by the leadership of Kairos.
It’s no secret that prayer and trust in God drives this ministry. Nothing was taken for granted during this trip. From travel conditions to border crossings, from forgotten identification to the unknown, from personal struggles to passionate service, this group was committed to leave everything in the hands of God. In the end, it all worked out according to God’s incredible will.
As a parent, I’m very thankful for Kairos. I’m assured that my daughter and many other students are going to be loved and cared for, challenged and encouraged, stretched in their thinking and accepted as God accepts them. I’m assured that when my daughter leaves our driveway to go to a Karios activity or event she will be exactly where God wants her to be and where she wants to be.
“Muchisima gracias!” Kairos for your ministry to students! This parent, along with his wife, believe that God is doing great things through you! From my perspective as a parent, “All is good with Kairos!”
Lew Stancer
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